Would you like to help the underprivileged so they can look forward to a better future and by doing so, give them a reason to smile again? Whether you are a private individual, an organisation or a corporation, you can share in the commitment made by the Dr. Ernst-Günther Bröder Foundation and make an important contribution towards the development and education of children and young people around the world who are most in need of our support.
Private individuals, organisations or corporations who share the vision of the Dr. Ernst-Günther Bröder Foundation and who would like to get involved in a charitable project in the areas of training and education, health or social affairs, can support the Foundation’s efforts, either overall or on a project-specific basis. Donations to CH43 0875 7000 0125 6468 0 are welcome.
Established in March 2016, the Dr. Ernst-Günther Bröder Foundation has already developed valuable contacts with international charitable organisations and institutions. The Foundation board evaluates all projects in detail as to their eligibility for support and conducts on-site visits wherever possible. The Foundation also takes steps to ensure that funding is used for its intended purpose.
The Dr. Ernst-Günther Bröder Foundation would be delighted to hear from you.